Thursday, June 21, 2012

Core/Abdominal Workouts

As a distance runner, it is essential that you work on strengthening your core/abdominal area. Outside your legs, the core is the most important group of muscles for distance running. They help maintain good form and balance during your run. Many runners overlook these workouts and may not fully reach their potential.

The core abdominal area can be broken down into 5 regions:
-Upper Abdominal - Above the belly button
-Lower Abdominal - Below the belly button
-Left Oblique - To the left side of your body
-Right Oblique - To the right side of your body
-Lower Back - The opposite area of your abs in your lower back.

All regions work together and its important to work out each. Certain regions can be more difficult to work than others, that is why high repetition workouts are key to strengthening your core.

All I have to do are hundreds of sit-ups and I will be fine, correct?

Actually more recent studies have shown that simply repeating sit-ups are not necessarily the most effective way of strengthening your core. "Muscle Confusion" is now considered the preferred form of core exercise. Over the course of a season we will include several ways of strengthening your core. There are hundreds of different exercises that are much more effective than the common sit-up or crunch. Many of us have seen or heard of P90X. This program has an amazing core/abdominal workout. Each workout is a set of 25 reps. Start out with 15-20 reps and build up from there. The video below lists and explains each exercise in detail. Try working out the entire session (about 10 minutes) with few breaks.

Do these exercises 3 days a week, with a day off in between.

Video Link:

1. In and Outs
2. Bicycles: 25 seconds in each direction.
3. Crunchy Frog
4. Cross Leg/ Wide Leg Sit-Ups: Sit down with your legs spread out wide. Next you put your right arm behind your head, and then lift up with your left arm pointing straight in the air. Once you are sitting straight up you touch your left arm to the opposite leg – note that it’s important to go straight up first and then over to touch the leg. That’s one rep; the second rep is the same thing but opposite arm.
5. Fifer Scissors: Always keep both legs off the ground. 3 second hold on each.
6. Hip Rock And Raise
7. Heals to Heaven
8. V-Up/Roll Up: Lie down with the legs straight. Do a sit-up and touch your toes. As you pull away from your toes roll up your legs; in other words as you sit back down raise your legs to the air. When you are about halfway sitting down (your arms always remain in the air) touch your toes again. Leave your hands in the air and bring your legs back down. Repeat. Each time you touch your toes counts as one rep. 
9. Oblique V-Ups
10. Leg Climbs: One leg is straight up, the other one either half bent or straight in front. Either reach straight up and touch your toes, or you can grab the side of your leg once for support and then touch the toes. Do 12 on each leg. 
11. Mason Twist

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