Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Summer training has started, now what? There are a few things you must remember during the next two months.

#1 - GET A WATER BOTTLE - It is so important to stay hydrated during the summer months. Get a water bottle that is durable and will take a beating. The next important idea is to always fill your bottle with water and drink plenty of fluids before and after a run. It is important to replenish your body with water soon after a run. Your body needs more water in the summer. A well hydrated runner is a smart runner!!

#2 - GET GOOD RUNNING SHOES - I am no expert in what running shoes you should get, you will get that from the experts. Please do your ankles, legs, knees, and hips a favor and go to a legitimate running store and not a "jack of all sports" super store to purchase your shoes. We have different needs when getting shoes and the proper shoe will make all the difference in the experience.You should find a store in which you can take your old pair of shoes (so they can look at your wear pattern) and will help find the perfect shoe for you. A real running store will even let you run on a treadmill for free....If you need help choosing a store, ask me or a fellow runner...we know the good ones. :)

#3 - GET A RUNNING WATCH - Please note,this doesn't need to be the new, expensive, over the top, GPS, heart-rate monitored, watch! The watch simply needs to time your run. That's it. I rarely spend over $40 for a watch and I suggest you don't either. A watch should be an extension of your arm during the summer, it helps chart growth. I can tell you first hand I became a better runner when I started using my watch.

#4 - LOG YOUR RUNS AND EMAIL COACH - Whether you are new runner or a seasoned veteran, keeping a log of your time/miles is crucial to your running success. If you went strictly by time, go to and map your route to see the distance. It is your blueprint to becoming a stronger and more efficient runner. When you are done with the training, its always fun looking back at your mileage. Remember, each week starts on Monday and ends on Saturday or Sunday, email me at with your weekly total! I will post the mileage as the summer goes on. Example is above.

#5 - HAVE FUN AND ALWAYS REMEMBER THE BIG PICTURE - Running is the greatest sport because it will reward you for the work put in. No other sport can make this promise. It really isn't a secret. Even if you struggle at first, that is okay, we all struggle! Refuse to give in and never quit! If you need to walk during a run, DO IT. If you need a day off here and there, DO IT. If you have issues and cannot decide to contact coach or a running friend, DO IT. Running begins with small steps and moves forward into bigger stages. YOU WILL GET THERE!

So there is a start to the summer training. As always, please feel free to contact me at anytime if you have any questions or concerns. The 2014 season will be the best season yet because each and everyone of you will make it so! No regrets.

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