Sunday, March 1, 2015

One Week to the Laker Loop Half-Marathon

Going into your last week of training and preparing yourself for you run here are a few things you should consider:

Run Outside this Week
I know its hard seeing the snow and colder temperatures but you need to prepare your body to the elements but this final week run outside! Feel the difference what running on snow-covered sidewalks is to treadmills or the track. Acclimate your body to the cooler temps and what works for clothing and what doesn't. You will find that its not as bad as it may appear! Just remember safety and where your foot plant is. Running in these conditions doesn't mean you have to run fast, but finishing the use more energy than typical runs in the winter.

Make Your Shoes "Spiked"
Here is a little trick I've used for several winters...use small metal screws on the bottom of your running shoes. What?! Yes, it works great! Go to the hardware store and ask for 10-12 1/8" metal screws and screw them in the bottom of your running shoes. THEY WON'T POKE THROUGH YOUR SHOES! They won't even ruin your shoes after you take them out. The spikes help prevent slipping on snow and ice but are not 100% so keep that in mind. I went out on a run yesterday without my spikes, I wish I had! Place 5-6 per shoe and in the front half of your shoe, no heels. Take a look!

Hats, Gloves, and Neck Warmer
Obviously, hats and gloves are essential to winter running and you will probably have your favorite pairs. The one place most overlooked is your neck area. This is the one area you loose a majority of your body heat, so cover it up with some type of neck warmer. Something as simple as a scarf to a combination neck and face warmer are good. I have used both and prefer something that I can put of my nose and mouth if needed, typically when running in the cold wind. Go to and get one in time for the half marathon!

Layers, Layers, Layers
Think onions...yes onions. When running you can have two to three layers of clothing on. This is typical and often times may seem a little extreme, but you can always peel your clothing as you run. The real trick is to experience of what works and what doesn't work in the winter. Either way you can always take off that extra long sleeved shirt and hand to one of the volunteers on Saturday.

Hopefully your body and mind are gearing up for the final week. You should get a few more runs in to keep in motion the final week. Most of you should have the training guide, if you need more help or ideas, please email me and we can figure it out together!

Diet of Race Week
Please see this post I wrote up a few years ago about this important topic, don't overlook!

Final Thoughts...
I know many of you are nervous about the half marathon...please note, this is completely normal and we "veterans" still get butterflies in our stomach on race days.

Just know this, not one training day in my entire running life recreated the day of race day and the motivation, adrenaline, and stubbornness you get when you are running a race or pushing yourself to something you never thought possible. I have tried mimicking race days by running the exact same distance with projected race pace times...its not the same. Just trust that when Saturday comes around, it will be a special day and you will finish!

If you have any questions, email me!!!

Happy Running!