Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Challenge - A Running Story


I triple-dog-dare ya!

The coup de grace of all dares, the sinister triple-dog-dare, the dare you heard echoing the playgrounds of our youth, the dare that all young boys feared to be subjected to, is what I faced seven years ago this month.

Three colleagues who were preparing to run the River Bank 25k suggested that I needed a new challenge, one that even I at the time never realized the impact it would have on my life. Back in 2005, my friends stated that training for this race was going to start before Christmas and end five months later during a cold and rainy May morning in Grand Rapids. 

Five months of training?! You're kidding right? There is no way I could even begin to utter the words of acceptance, but I knew that little voice in my head kept repeating those famous words..."I dare you, I triple-dog-dare you..."  

Much to my dismay, I couldn't believe my own lips uttering the words...."ok, let's do it." 

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses 

Before I continue, I would like to offer you all an understanding of how I was before taking this challenge. I hated running, I dreaded running, in fact, I did all my power to make excuses to not even be around those who ran. I didn't get it, I didn't quite understand why someone would want to inflict such craziness to their bodies and daily life. Up to that point in my life I would only run because it was a direct result of punishment in other sports or because I was running away from something I shouldn't be doing. And when I say "run"...if this distance was any farther than the length of a football field I was offering a colorful response to the question that its just "a little run". 

Not only did I despise running, looking back at it now, I found that I actually didn't know how to run. Yeah, I said it, I really didn't know how to run. I never knew that running distance took a whole new approach on technique like breathing and leg strides that I had no experience with. I figured it was a simple sport, put on your shoes, go out and run back as fast as you could. As similar as to getting new shooting mechanics from your basketball coach when starting to play on an organized team after years of playing pick up ball, running isn't properly taught. Unless you have a parent or sibling who ran competitively you probably haven't the slightest clue on foot strike or proper arm swing. I don't believe during gym class I was offered private tutelage on how breathing in a masterful rhythm with your stride will in fact give you more power and lessen the stress on your body.

The Challenge and Aftermath

The challenge of running my first race was an amazing experience. I remember the first six mile run I had to do according to my training guide. It was the most interesting run in my life to this day. At the time, it was the hardest and most rewarding thing I had done on my own. All I wanted to do is stop and walk. Thankfully my friend who suckered me into the thing would not allow it. After the run, I realized that this thing was going to be a life changer. I had never expected the mental challenge which running provided. The scary thing is that we would still need to run over additional nine miles for the race. Oh, that frightened me. The training continued and eventually the race was at hand and I couldn't believe I was looking at my racing bib with my name under the stenciled black numbers. I can still hear the noise of the crowd, the cold rain on my shoulders from that morning, the assorted colors of shirts and shoes. The race became the victory lap of the months of training and as I crossed the finish line I knew this challenge was going to change me forever, but in no way as much as what it has.  

Running has led me to some amazing experiences, but nothing more important as being able to coach the most amazing kids in cross country and track. A few years into my running life, I was offered the job of coaching cross country and I was still quite hesitant about it. I knew nothing about the sport and on most days I didn't even consider myself to be a true distance runner. 5k?! How far is that? How many people run the race? Do I need a whistle? These were the questions I blindly asked and trip over in the beginning. But soon enough, I found the truly special bond running brings to people. It demands our best and no matter what our running ability looks like running needs to be can defeat the best of the best. 

Here's the thing, I was that person who didn't get it until I tried it. My worn out basketball shoes eventually led into purchasing running shoes, my over-sized sweatshirts turned to Dryfit pullovers. Now I worry more about the weather because of my run rather than the effects it may have on a golf opportunity. I don't know why it did, but all I know its been the most remarkable change that I went through, and one I continue to go though.  What's amazing is that you will discover how strong you really are. What it means to get up at an hour before a typical workday to get your run in, what it means to run in every element nature can through at you and smile right back at her. To run with a friend, your favorite four-legged buddy, or simply alone with your thoughts, all makes this experience the most rewarding. 

If you stop and honestly look inside and tell yourself, "Today, I am going to challenge myself" you too to may get this amazing life altering change.... 

....I triple-dog-dare you.

The Triple-Dog-Dare Challenge

Today is the "official" kickoff to the River Bank Run in Grand Rapids. The race is on May 11, 2013. This race has many options, a 5k, 10k, or the 25k. Challenge yourself! As I was in 2005, I never thought I could think about running a 5k, let alone a 25k, but you can! I am including the link to the official training guide. I have used it and it works!  You will find that the guide can set you into the right direction. It offers runs for both beginners and veteran runners. If you have any questions, you can always contact me and we can go over any issue you may have. I will help you in anyway I can in my ability. Believe you can and you will!

Happy Running.


Training Guide:

Great Tool for any runner:

Awesome place for clothes, shoes, and any related to running: